8th Cyber Security in Networking Conference

AI for Cybersecurity

December 04-06, 2024
Paris, France

Call For Tutorials

The 8th Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet 2024) will be held from December 4th to 6th, 2024, in Paris, France. The event will address various topics related to cybersecurity and AI technology. Tutorials are an integral part of the CSNet program, providing participants with broad and comprehensive overviews of Cyber Security-related ideas and concepts. These tutorials cover both theoretical issues and implementation aspects. Half-day tutorials are scheduled for December 4th, 2024, the first day of the CSNet conference

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Advanced AI for Cybersecurity
  • AI-based Cybersecurity for Next-Generation Technologies
  • Challenges and Opportunities in AI-driven Security
  • Emerging AI Threats and Countermeasures
  • Privacy Preservation in AI-driven Security
  • Privacy-preserving AI for Surveillance and Monitoring
  • Cognitive Security and Adaptive Defense Mechanisms
  • Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Cyber Defense
  • AI-driven Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
  • AI-driven Security Monitoring and Anomaly Detection
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence and Information Sharing
  • AI-based Cybersecurity for IoT and Fog/edge Computing
  • Adversarial Machine Learning and AI Security
  • AI for Cyber Resilience and Incident Response Strategies
  • AI for Biometric Security
  • AI for Secure Software Development and DevSecOps
  • AI-enabled Threat Hunting and Cyber Forensics
  • AI-enabled Ethical Hacking
  • AI for Blockchain Technology
  • AI-based Secure Cloud Computing and Data Protection
  • AI-based  Cybersecurity in Smart Cities/Grids and Urban Environments
  • AI for Secure Authentication and Access Control Mechanisms
  • AI-powered Threat Modeling and Risk Assessment
  • AI-driven Security Automation and Orchestration
  • Secure AI Model Training and Adversarial Mitigation
  • AI-driven Security Operations Center (SOC)
  • Secure Federated Learning
  • Federated Learning cybersecurity solutions
  • LLM-based Anomaly Detection
  • LLM-based Malware Detection and Classification
  • Secure Deployment of LLM-based Security Solutions
  • AI for Hardware-Based Attacks
  • AI-based Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Prioritization
  • Zero-Day Attack Detection Using AI-based Techniques
  • Ethical and Regulatory Considerations in AI-based Security
  • Reinforcement Learning-based Cybersecurity Solutions

Submission guidelines 

If you are interested in delivering a tutorial at CSNet 2024, please prepare a single PDF file (maximum 4 pages) containing the following information:

  1. Tutorial Title
  2. Abstract: A concise description of the content and goals of the tutorial
  3. Information about Instructor(s):
    • First and Last Name
    • Position
    • Affiliation and address
    • Email and Homepage (if available)
  4. Tutorial Description:
    • Any additional information beyond the abstract describing the tutorial. For example: Is this a survey of several topics or an in-depth study of one? How is the tutorial topic linked with AI? Why do you consider your tutorial topic important? What will the participants learn?
  5. Outline: Please provide a rough overview of the tutorial schedule (topics).
  6. Biographical Sketch:
    • Short CV, including some information on prior teaching and research experience (courses, projects, etc.).
  7. Prior History:
    • Please indicate whether an earlier version of this tutorial has been presented before. If so, when and where have the instructors given other tutorials in the past?
  8. Major References: This list will help identify the scope.
  9. Supplementary Materials:
    • Anything that might help the reviewers evaluate the proposal, such as sample viewgraphs, links to potential course web pages of the instructor, or draft tutorial slides (if already available).”

Important Dates 

  • Tutorial Submission Deadline: July 01, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2024
  • Submission of Tutorial Material: September 01, 2024
  • Presentation Date: December 4, 2024