Cybersecurity is the set of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access. In a computing context, security includes both cybersecurity and physical security. The driving theme at CSNet 2019 is Cyber Security in Networking. The technological disruption is generating an impact on society and leading to a new industrial revolution. This social and industrial change presents new technological environments constituted by ubiquitous systems and large amounts of information, which requires a change in the way how cybersecurity is applied. The use of big data, machine learning, data science, data mining, strengthens the cognitive skills of security analysts to face new forms of cybersecurity attacks. This new trend, called cognitive security, poses new challenges for researchers and companies to seek proactive security proposals according to this technological change.
CSNet’19 invites proposals for full-day or half-day workshops. The purpose of the workshops is to complement the conference program with in-depth or integration fora that are dedicated to related and emerging topics (i.e. RFID/NFC security, cloud security, blockchain and smart-contracts, security protocols, etc.) or other specific topics of CSNet’19. Proposals fromindustry and academia are welcome. Accepted and presented workshop papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
*** Workshop proposal submissions ***
Each CSNet workshop proposal has to be submitted in a single PDF file and must include:
– Name and abbreviation of the workshop
– Names, addresses, and a short (200 words) bio of the major organizers
(including TPC (Co )chair(s) and OC General (Co-)chair(s))
– A brief description (1 page) of the technical focus addressed by the
workshop, reasons why the workshop is of interest at this time, and reasons
why this area is important in the context of CSNet’19 and main theme;
additionally, state explicitly why this workshop is unique.
– Technical Program Committee (TPC) and/or Organizing Committee (OC)
– Likely contributors and targeted audience
– Planned format of the workshop,
– A description of past events of the workshop, including statistics of
submitted/accepted papers and attendee numbers.
– A draft of 1-page “Call for Papers (CfP)” including title, description,
topics, dates
Submit workshop proposals via email to the workshop program chair of CSNet 2019:
– Nour El Madhoun:
*** Important dates for workshops ***
– Workshop submission deadline: July 05, 2019
– Workshop acceptance: July 15, 2019
– Workshop paper submission deadline: August 25, 2019
– Workshop paper acceptance: September 20, 2019
– Camera-ready papers: September 30, 2019
– Workshop dates : October 21 and 22, 2019
*** Topics of CSNet 2019 ***
For reference, CSNet 2019 will cover topics that include the following:
* Attacks on Virtualized Systems
* Balancing Trust and Control
* Blockchain technology and CyberSecurity
* Cell Phones vulnerabilities
* Cloud of Security
* Cognitive Security
* Concealing Malware (Trojan Horses-Root kits-Logic Bombs)
* Cyber-attacks Cloud-oriented vs Cyber defense Cloud-oriented
* Cybersecurity
* Data Center Network Control, Security and Optimization
* Demilitarization Zone (DMZ)
* Designing a Security Policy
* Disaster recovery plan
* Enterprise Wireless Security
* Hardware-Based Attacks
* Host Network Intrusion Prevention Systems
* Industrial control system information security
* Infection Malware
* Integrated Network Security Hardware
* Internet Content Filters
* Internet security issues
* Network and operating system administration for security purposes
* Network Attached Storage (NAS)
* Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS)
* Network security design
* Organizational Security Policies
* Secure Network through Network Design
* Security in Internet of Things
* Security in Fog/edge Computing
* Security of Virtual Machines
* Security, trust and privacy challenges
* Smart City Security
* Smart Grid security
* Cyber Physical System (CPS) security
* Software-Based Attacks
* System security for wired and wireless networks
* Virtual firewalls
*** Workshops Chair ***
Nour El Madhoun, Orange Labs, France